Apple Smashes iPhone And iPad Sales Records

12:03pm UK, Wednesday July 20, 2011

Apple has beaten profit expectations for the three months to the end of June, thanks to big increases in iPhone and iPad sales.

Apple said it was 'delighted' by the diverse usage of iPads in businesses

The California-based company sold a record 20.3 million iPhones over the quarter, a rise of 140% on the same period a year ago, and a record 9.25 million iPads, up 183%.
Apple also saw sales of its Macs increase - albeit by a much more modest 14%.
"We're thrilled to deliver our best quarter ever, with revenue up 82% and profits up 125%," said Steve Jobs, Apple's chief executive.

Apple Share Price 1-Year Chart

In a conference with investors, Apple directors admitted that it was likely some customers purchased an iPad instead of a Mac.
But they added they thought even more customers decided to buy an iPad instead of a Windows PC.
Some may also have held back purchase of a Mac in anticipation of the latest update to Apple's operating system - the OS X Lion - which has just been released.
Only the iPod, once the driver of Apple's growth, fell in popularity, with 20% fewer units sold.
Analysts said the bumper iPhone sales helped Apple leapfrog Nokia and Samsung to become the world's biggest smartphone maker.

Apple shop in Beijing
Apple said it saw an 'incredible opportunity' for further growth in China
But in the UK and several other countries, figures show Android-based smartphones - which tend to be cheaper than the iPhone - are selling faster than Apple's hit product.
"Share gain is important," chief operating officer Tim Cook told investors.
"Anywhere we're going the opposite way we're not happy and you can bet we're working hard to change that."
Apple also revealed it was turning its attention to China, where Mr Cook claimed the company was "only scratching the surface right now".
With a 600% increase in revenue from China over the quarter, he said Apple had an "incredible opportunity" there.