
Saturday, 30 March 2013

April Tunes Day....Brought To You By Tee-Y mix!!!

    It's the start of a new trend for the A-list Nigerian Music Producer,Tee-Ymix as 'April Fools Day' will be known as 'April Tunes Day'. On the 1st of April 2013,Tee-ymix will be running an online singing duo competition , and it's aim is to find Nigeria's newest singing sensation,and this will run for the entire month of April.In addition,a Tuberculosis awareness campaign song will be produced by Tee-ymix,and this will be released on the 24th of April ( World's TB Day ).

Here are the steps to follow if you want to participate in the singing competition;

  • Pair with a friend or a family member to form a DUO,   
  • Compose a short song with the theme: Friends Forever,    
  • Make a video using a phone or any video recording device without special effects or editing
  • Then upload on the website beginning from the 1st of April. 

Watch out for the website as it launches on the 1st of April on Social media platforms as well as radio stations in Lagos .Once you upload your video ,you have to start campaigning for votes as the more votes you get the higher your chances of winning .Only ONE DUO will be rewarded with a handsome cash prize and music production contract with Tee-ymix.

          For more information,follow @teeymix on Twitter or on Facebook : for more details.

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