
Monday 26 November 2012

Lady Gaga's House: Invaded By Little Monsters!

Nothing like being nude and enjoying a midnight snack while crazed fans break into your home. Yes, that's exactly what happened to Lady Gaga on Thanksgiving.
Mother Monster herself revealed that 35 of her fans busted in through the garage at the house she was staying at in Peru. Gaga Tweeted on November 23:
"#MONSTERFACT when gaga is asleep try to break into the garage, sing loud as possible, + ring the doorbell repeatedly #happeningnow #badkids."
"Thanksgiving story: woke up for leftovers in kitchen (naked) stumbled on security camera revealing 35 little monsters in my garage #why #iloveu"
"I should be mad i guess except i tried to figure out how to slide stuffing under the door, but theres no cat-flap."
It's the thought that counts. She ended with this note:
"To any little monsters trying to get in my house at the moment IF YOU SEE A LARGE ITALIAN MAN yelling about sleep IT IS NOT JOE GERMANOTTA!"
She did not call the police about the disturbance.
Speaking of Mother Monster nude, you've got to see these Lady Gaga "Cake" video teasers if you haven't already. Think Cinemax late night, only with cake batter.

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