
Monday 5 November 2012

Happy Birthday, Famke Janssen — Today, November 5, You’re 46 Years Old

Happy birthday to the beautiful Bond girl, Famke Janssen!
Famke Janssen — you've been a model, actress and Bond girl. But today, you're the birthday girl!

Happy birthday, Famke Janssen! When co-star Denis Leary said he was impressed with how easily you blend into character, he was picking up on the shape-shifting abilities of both your Sun-Neptune conjunction and your Moon in Pisces. And while your early years as a model probably quenched your thirst for adventure (Mars in Sagittarius), your chart indicates impressive artistic range that's more satiated in your current acting career. This coming year, be prepared for old blockages to resurface — it's the cosmos' way of inching you along towards your destiny.


Chimdindu Nweke

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