
Thursday 25 October 2012

President Obama Mocks Donald Trump On ‘Tonight Show’

During his sit down with Jay Leno on 'The Tonight Show,' President Obama hit back at Donald after the college records demand made on Oct. 24! Read on for all the details.
President Barack Obama sat down with Jay Leno on The Tonight Show on Wednesday, Oct. 24, using the opportunity to humorously strike back at Donald Trump, mocking him on the same day Donald demanded he release his college records!

During the show, Jay asked President Obama why Donald holds such hostility towards him, Obama joked that their beef dated back to their youth in Kenya. "This all dates back to when we were growing up together in Kenya. We had constant run-ins on the soccer field," he said. "He wasn't very good and resented it. When we finally moved to America, I thought it would be over."

When asked if he was glad the series of presidential debates were over, he joked, "You know, I was sort of getting the hang of it." About his poor showing in the first debate, he admitted, "We had to make some adjustments."

Jay asked President Obama if Secretary of State Hilary Clinton would stay in the job if he is re-elected. "She's done an incredible job. She has logged a lot of miles…I would love for her to stay," the president said. "Despite my begging, I suspect that it's time for her to spend a little more time with her family. She's been a great partner…I could not be prouder of the work that she's done.

About Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock and his remarks that rapes are part of God's plan, Obama was very no-nonsense. "Well, I don't know how these guys come up with these ideas. Let me make a very simple proposition. Rape is rape. It is a crime. These various distinctions about rape don't make sense to me. The second thing this underscores is that you don't want a bunch of politicians, mostly male, making decisions about women's healthcare. Women are capable of making these decisions…"

Are you glad that President Obama responded to Donald's demands in a joking manner
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