Rob – it’s been 11 days since the news broke on July 24, that Kristen had cheated. And with time comes healing – Hollywoodlife readers have come to believe that if you two still love each other, you need to work this out. Here’s why.
Robert Pattinson – we know that we are not in your shoes but we’ve all been in love like you and Kristen Stewart, and we’ve all had our hearts broken.
And just like you, we were shocked, disgusted and disappointed when we learned the awful news that Kristen had cheated with Rupert Sanders, her Snow White and the Huntsman director.
We, like you, did not see this coming.
But after a week and a half, the Hollywoodlife readers who are huge fans of you, Kristen and the two of you as a couple, have given your situation a great deal of thought.
Almost 250,000 have voted in our various polls and ten thousand have shared comments.
What’s striking about their reactions was how angry they were at first with Kristen, probably just like you.
In the first days after the cheating photos were published, 63 percent felt strongly that you should dump Kristen. Seventy-seven percent said you were right to move out of your shared house and 54 percent didn’t feel that Kristen deserved a second chance at your love.
But time has a way of allowing for reflection Rob. You’ve been so smart to take your time to think about the situation. Going away to Reese Witherspoon‘s ranch, a couple of hours away from LA, was the perfect place to think.
Hopefully, you’ve reached or are in the process of reaching the same conclusion that our Hollywoodlifers – your fans – have: true love is worth a second chance.
Our readers believe that if Kristen is sincere about her love for you, her incredible regret about her affair, AND if she is wholeheartedly ready to work out her issues and recommit to you, then you should absolutely give her a second chance.
Eighty-one percent now say that if you both still love each other you should be able to work it out. Eighty-two percent think that you NEED to talk to Kristen and 58 percent don’t believe that Kristen is doomed to cheat again.
The bottom line is that your fans, while incredibly disappointed with their role model, Kristen Stewart, 22, have come to the conclusion that she is young and she is human. She made a huge mistake, but so do many people, and she deserves forgiveness.
Rob, if you believe that what you and Kristen had was special, that you made each other happy, and that your life would be better off with her than without her – you should not close the door on Kristen.
True love is hard to find and relationships can have their ups and downs, but that doesn’t mean that a single episode of cheating should be reason to throw away three years of happiness.
“People make mistakes. She is human, not just a celebrity. She deserves a second chance. But if she cheats again, then it’s not a mistake, it’s her choice,” advises HL reader, Easther.
“Why don’t they just sit down like adults and talk this thing out. We all make mistakes and are not perfect. Why throw three years away,” points out Candy.
And she’s right. It’s not fair to either you or Kristen to not talk about what happened. Yes, she sent a dagger into your heart. She was wrong. But she also loves you and is as angry with herself as you are for messing up the wonderful relationship she had with you.
You owe it to yourself to talk to her. Hear out her apologies. Hear out what she has to say about her cheating. Sometimes people just do dumb things. And if I was you, I’d be even more furious with Rupert Sanders, who at 41, took advantage of your girlfriend, who is so much younger and more vulnerable.
I think it would help you to know how many of your fans have been in similar situations and are happy that they stayed with their partners after an episode of cheating.
“My husband is a very honest man and very loyal. I cheated on him when I was 22 and he was 27, before we got married. And he caught me. For two weeks he didn’t talk to me but then he said, ‘Let’s forget it. I can move on, but it would be better to forgive you and be with you than to move on without you,’” shares Avon.
And that Rob, is what you have to think about. Would your life be better with Kristen in it – if she loves you and can totally commit – or would you truly be happier without her?
Your fans and I believe that you still love her – a lot – and ultimately you’d be more fulfilled if you were back together with your soul mate, Kristen.
If that’s the case, then it’s time to start working on healing your relationship.
There is a good chance that if the two of you handle this crisis right – with forgiveness and counseling – you could end up even more in love and committed than ever before.
What do you think Hollywoodlifers? Should Rob listen to you, soften his hard feelings for Kristen, and work on a reconciliation?
Bonnie Fuller
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