
Friday 8 June 2012

Woman Raped After Being Thrown Off Bus Over 20p

Joseph Moran
Rapist Joseph Moran refused to accept guilt for the attack
10:22am UK, Friday June 08, 2012

Police have praised the courage of a woman who was raped and left unconscious after being thrown off her last bus home because she was 20p short of the fare.

Detectives spoke out after Joseph Moran, 19, was found guilty by a jury at Nottingham Crown Court of rape and wounding with intent to cause GBH.
The court had heard how the woman had been out with friends in the city on December 9 last year for an early Christmas celebration.
We each make our own judgments and the people on that bus made their judgments that night. Knowing what they know now, they may wish they had given 20p.
Detective Chief Inspector Rob Griffin
It was told she only had £4.80 to pay the £5 fare to Mansfield. The driver would not waive the 20p nor wait for her to visit an ATM opposite the bus stop.
She began walking along Mansfield Road out of the city where she had arranged to be collected by her mother.
But as she approached the entrance to Forest Recreation Ground she was grabbed by Moran, of Sneinton, and dragged into the park where he subjected her to what the jury heard was an appalling and protracted attack.
She was found by police officers just after 4am, unconscious, and having suffered terrible injuries.
She was taken to hospital and police began an immediate investigation. Moran was arrested within minutes.
The last six months have been a very difficult time for my daughter and our family. We would like to thank the police, the prosecuting counsel and the medical staff at the Queen's Medical Centre for the care and support they have shown to us during this time.
Victim's mother
Detective Chief Inspector Rob Griffin, who was in charge of the investigation, described Moran as "a singularly depraved and highly dangerous individual who committed a grotesque and extremely violent crime".
He said: "In the weeks and months since that terrible night, this young woman has undergone extensive surgery to repair the physical damage she suffered.
"She has also received support to help her deal with the mental and emotional injuries.
"Moran refused to accept his guilt, and so added to the torment she and her family have had to endure.
"Despite her lasting physical, mental and emotional scars, this young woman has shown the most tremendous courage and dignity, despite the many challenges she has had to face, and has played a vital role in securing his conviction."
He added: "Moran is a dangerous and violent man. A thorough police investigation and a courageous victim have ensured that he has been taken off the streets and no longer poses a risk to other women."
Asked about reports that other passengers failed to give the victim the 20p she needed, the officer said: "It's difficult to speak for those people.
"We each make our own judgments and the people on that bus made their judgments that night.
"Knowing what they know now, they may wish they had given 20p."
In a statement, the mother of the victim thanked those involved in the case.
She said: "The last six months have been a very difficult time for my daughter and our family. We would like to thank the police, the prosecuting counsel and the medical staff at the Queen's Medical Centre for the care and support they have shown to us during this time."
Moran will appear at the crown court on July 27 for sentencing.

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