
Tuesday 20 December 2011

James Cameron Sued for $2.5Billion Over Avatar Movie

    Avatar  director James Cameron has been sued for the second time in nearly as many weeks by someone claiming to have come up with the idea for the sci-fi mega-hit.Bryant Moore , a science fiction writer claims Cameron used the two screenplays as the basis for "Avatar."
    In his lawsuit, Moore points out various similarities, including bioluminescent flora/plant life, unbreathable atmospheres, matriarch support of hero vs. heroine, spiritual connections to environment and reincarnation, appearance of mist in scene, sunlight to moonlight, crackling from gargantuan foliage, blue skin/green skin and battle scene on limbs/branches.

   Accordong to TMZ, Moore is also going after 20th Century Fox and Cameron's production company.  He wants more than $1.5 billion in actual damages and more than $1 bil in punitives.
    Cameron's attorney, Bert Fields, and Fox both slammed the latest suit by science fiction writer Bryant Moore as without merit. 

Avatar was released in 2009  and raked in more than $2.78 billion worldwide.

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