
Tuesday 22 November 2011

NIGERIA: Man kills mother to drink her blood...

Facts have emerged that 34-year old Emmanuel Usha, who butchered his mother, Mrs. Martina Usha, at Mararaban Rido, a suburb of Kaduna city and dumped her dismembered parts into a well may be a cannibal after all. Emmanuel had last Monday, alone in the house with his mother, killed her, took his time to severe the body, just like it is done to animals and dumped them into a well for about three days before his sins found him out.

Checks reveal that the Usha family once lived at Tudun Wada, also in Kaduna metropolis, where Emmanuel's frequent visits to the abattoir helped him to perfect the art of killing animals and dismembering the parts.

However, the young man's skills did not end at the butcher's profession as sources said that he developed an insatiable desire for blood.

"Emmanuel was so used to blood, he started drinking the blood of slaughtered animals and it became a past time for him," our source revealed.

His blood drinking habit was said to have continued until the family, being Christians, was forced out of the Tudun Wada area to Television Village, a Christian-dominated settlement, due to the religious crisis that engulfed Kaduna in the late 1990s.

At their new abode, Emmanuel was said to have killed a bull-dog owned by his father, shred the body into parts and poured the blood into a container in his room, apparently with the intent to drink.

Not long after this period, the young man was said to have also killed a cat that was loved by everybody in the house and in the same manner poured the blood in a cup, which was discovered in his room.

Our source further revealed that from Television Village, the family moved to Sabon Tasha, a stone-throw from Television Village, where he made the first attempt at his mother's life.

"The boy attempted maiming his mother when he used shovel to hit her hand. When people later saw her with swollen hands, she outrightly hid the truth by saying she only fell down and sustained injuries," the source revealed.

He was said to have made another attempt at his mother's life at Sabon Tasha before his mother who retired as a Supervisor in the Procurement Department of Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company (KRPC) built a four-bedroom apartment at the Mararaban Rido suburb and moved.

For most people who read our last story, the world is hastily ending. To some, the enormous incidences of inhumanity witnessed daily, is a glaring testimony of the end-times. Cannibalism, hate, cruelty, brutality, violence and indeed sadism are much within us.

Even as others seem not to comprehend the magnanimity of human cruelty, people of Kaduna State would rather prefer imagining the incidents of a son butchering his biological mother, than seeing it live!

It was not until the recovery of Mrs. Martina Usha's dismembered body, from the well where her biological son dumped her remains, many never knew her son, Emmanuel Usha, was a cannibal. Mrs. Usha, was the first wife of Engineer Godwin Usha. She had three children for her husband. The first child, a baby girl died at the age of 15 leaving her with two boys. Emmanuel who butchered his 57 year-old mother, has been blood thirsty but little did people know about his cruelty and hunger for blood.

A very close source confirmed that Emmanuel's hunger for blood started right from Tudun Wada, in Kaduna metropolis, where he grew up. Though, Emmanuel who simply said initially that he had a problem with his mother before her death, however, gave conflicting statements maintaining that, Fulani herdsmen came into the house, attempted at raping his mother and later killed her. The 34 year-old Emmanuel later said, he equally had problem with the parents, especially the mother for refusing to marry a wife for him.

However, checks into the remote and immediate causes of the incident revealed that, it might not be unconnected with Emmanuel's perpetual complaint that, the mother often accuses him of stealing her mobile handsets. Tracing the antecedents of Emmanuel, the source disclosed that, as a little boy he related among friends whose parents were mostly butchers and might be at home with knives and blood.

While in Tudun Wada, he frequented the abattoir with friends where he was reported to have learnt not only how to kill animals but also dismembering them perfectly. This, he was said to have continued until he became so used to blood and even drinks it to feel how it tastes. When the parents eventually moved to Television Village in Southern part of the metropolis, Emmanuel started becoming a truant because the parents were well to do. It was while in Television village, with no opportunity of an abattoir nearby that he demonstrated his taste for blood by killing a bull-dog in the father's compound all alone in the night, butchered it and poured the blood into a container inside his room.

Shortly after that, he was also said to have continued his cruelty by killing a cat that everybody so liked in the compound and poured the blood inside a cup. Not too long, he moved from Television village where she stayed in an apartment in Sabo Tasha, a short distance away. It was while in Sabon Tasha that, Emmanuel made his first attempt at killing his mother.

A source said, "The boy (Emmanuel) initially attempted maiming his mother, when he used shovel to hit her hand. When people later saw her with swollen hands, she outrightly hid the truth by saying, she only fell down and sustained injuries." While in Sabon Tasha, another reliable source said that, Emmanuel made other abortive attempts at killing his mother.

Eventually, she moved to a four-bedroom apartment she built after her retirement as a supervisor in the Procurement department of Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company (KRPC) Kaduna. This was where she stayed with her remaining two children until her son killed her.

Before then, Emmanuel's younger brother was ill and taken for treatment. It was after her return from where her son was hospitalised that, the problem between them, which led to her death, erupted. Feelers from neighbours at Maraban Rido area of Sabon Tasha indicates that, Emmanuel never had good relationship with the mother in spite of all she has done for him.

He was said not to have any intimate friend but normally patronises a particular spot where illicit drinks and cannabis are sold. He stayed late nights. He is always in black goggles, leaves the house in the morning and returns in the morning. You will always find him in jeans always. Most people spoken to said they were not surprised to hear that he killed his mother because his lifestyle suggests he is an assassin.

Giving credence to her position, a woman who preferred anonymity said: "While I was passing by that Monday evening, I heard a shout calling for help, but because of the big fence in which their house is enveloped nobody can enter." Continuing she said, "Not too long, the cry fiddled away and we felt probably the son might have salvaged the situation. Many people were sure that Emmanuel was inside the compound then and was telling the father that the mother was missing.

Neighbours became apprehensive. Her Priest, Rev. Fr. Mark and other church members were curious too because Mrs. Maltina never missed morning devotion services. She was such a devoted Catholic. Her absence that day compelled her closest friend, Veronica Umah and the catechist of the church, Michael Iheoma to rush to the house where they met Emmanuel and asked after his mother.

He responded very harshly, which gave them an impression that something must have gone wrong. Veronica said, "When we went to the house, I spoke with him, I asked after his mother and he responded harshly, that his mother has not come back". Nevertheless, the church members instantly reported to the priest in affirmation that, they saw her the previous day.

Shortly after that, some youths from the church came into the house again and saw Emmanuel mopping the floor. This development further opened more room for suspicion as all of them know that, he is not somebody of such humility that could even do domestic chores. While they were still talking, he was said to have briskly left the house and reported to his father who resides in Television Village that the mother was missing. The father reported the matter to the police.

The next day, the chairman of the communication committee of the St. Simon catholic church, Brother David Adayi and a member, brother Godwin Boi, came to the house and searched desperately until they realised flies moving en masse at the backyard where the well is situated. An offensive odour hit them upon opening the well.

They ordered Emmanuel to fetch water out of the well for them which he testified that it was offensive. It was then that he took to his heels but was unfortunate to run into the hands of angry youths who were desperately waiting outside the gate of the house.

In an exclusive interview with Emmanuel's father, Engineer Usha, two days after the butchered body were picked from the well told national accord that, "My son, Emmanuel, gave very conflicting statements at the police station which is a manifestation that, he is the one that killed his mother." He added that, "at the moment, the dismembered parts of my wife, Mrs. Martina Usha, have been stitched together at the Barau Dikko specialist hospital and we will be taking her corpse to rest in the village of Korinya in Konshisha local government area of Benue State on the 23rd Wednesday, 2011.

Taking a cursory revisit back to his early years, national accord gathered that, he attended Lapai private school, Kaduna which was and is an elite school. One day, he came home with a pistol. The bewildered father asked where he got it from, he told the father it was the service pistol of his friend's father, a soldier. He was forced to return it. That incident led to his withdrawal from the school. He was taken to Mount Gabriel catholic school in Makurdi. He went to stay with Most Reverend (Dr) Athanasius A. Usuh, the Bishop of Makurdi. The bishop was always complaining about his conducts. There was an incident where he reputedly jumped down from a storey building of the school. The bishop at a point noticed that the boy consistently stole the altar wine and drank from there. When confronted, he eventually confessed committing these 'sins'.

The father was told by the Bishop, who is his relation, that he can't put up with Emmanuel's conduct. Emmanuel was in the habit of selling the properties of the bishop. He was a truant in school. He was returned to Kaduna where he eventually finished his secondary school. Efforts to make him attend high institutions were frustrated by his high quality of truancy.

In order to make him occupied, he was gotten a job at the Defence Industries Corporation, Kaduna. His patience failed him on the first day at work. His mother had left the dad about this time. He moved to the mother's place. He was said to have lost control when he went to stay with the mother.

Six months ago, Emmanuel told the mother in anger that one day he would do something that the whole world will marvel at. This he said in utter anger. This was a result of the fact that the mother has a cousin who is welder. He grew up with her in Kaduna. After learning the trade, she set up the business for him in Gboko. As she was about expanding the school she has in Kaduna from primary to secondary school, she called this cousin of her to come and deliver the welding part of the school building. He was paid.

She in addition requested to know what other things he would want, the cousin demanded for a Lister generator. She and the cousin went to shop. He got a brand new one and N20, 000 to transport it to Gboko. This was the point Emmanuel felt she did not do enough for her cousin. He expected her to have given him more than that. It was in the fit of this anger he said that statement.

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