
Friday 14 October 2011

NOLLYWOOD The Hollywood Black Film Festival comes to Nollywood!!

Tanya kersey -Guest speaker

   The Holly wood Black Film Festi val, dubbed the "Black Sun dance," takes its show on the road … to Nige ria & Nollywood! This 3 day conference-styled event which takes place in Abuja will prepare producers, film makers, screen writers and actors for working and sell­ing content in the global film market place.  Visit­ing film makers and industry guests will facili­tate a series of panel discussions, work shops and Mas ter Classes in a wide variety of subjects — from production to distribution and exhibition.Attendees will engage in in-depth conversation, lively debate, and critical insight into a broad range of issues; and gain tremen­dous knowledge, insight, access, value and a rare opportunity to hear 
    Nov.30 .Day 1 - Film Video Censors Board Closed Door Sessions( As the global economy changes, technology advances, and the film industry adjusts, experts will dis cuss how Nige­ria can posi tion itself to com pete in the global film market place, and how to elevate Nigerian films in terms of both production quality and profitability. Issues to be explored will include distri bution, exhibition, censorship and piracy.)
Dec.1. Day 2-- The Business of Entertainment( The day's focus will be on nur­turing a diverse range of Nigerian film and act­ing talent to compete success fully in the local and international market place by providing them with practical tools and information.
  Dec 2. Day 3 - Beyond Borders( Panels and workshops focus ng on film making in the global marketplace)
Speakers at the three days event are Ralph scott ,Michael Ajakwe ,Bobby Mardis and Tanya Kersey

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