
Thursday 21 July 2011

Vimbai Rejected By Wendall In BBA As Mum In Hot Water With Mugabe

By Munesu Benjamin Shoko;
There is a double blow for Zimbabwean Big Brother Amplified housemate Vimbai Mutinhiri as her sexual advances towards fellow Zimbabwean Wendall Parson have turned sour at the same time as her mother faces a torrid time back home.
Speculation over an imminent relationship between Vimbai and Wendall in the BBA house has ended after his clear rejection of her romantic advances.
Wendall reportedly considered Vimbai’s behaviour too pressing on him and asked her to stop making suggestive advances after she kept tickling him and asking if they could spend time together as she had something to tell him.
What something?
He did not give her a chance to express herself, but made himself clear that he was not interested in a relationship because he had been heartbroken before.
Is it just that Wendall?
Not really i suppose.
Isn’t it because the remaining male housemates have decided to brush the female housemates away as attention turns more to the money?
Zeus’ elimination last week could have served as a warning to potential couples in the house. Some think that his romantic association with Karen made him pay the price, the same way that Alex got evicted the previous week.
Away with Vimbai’s BBA woes, back home, reports from Zimbabwe indicate that her mother Marondera East MP, Tracey Mutinhiri escaped expulsion from the Zanu PF Wednesday but has been officially demoted and barred from taking part in party affairs in her district.
In a story published by The Zimbabwean last week, Zimbabwe’s spy agency CIO reportedly planned to assassinate Mutinhiri last Sunday.
Party heavy-weights have allegedly vowed to get rid of Mutinhiri, wife of retired brigadier-general Ambrose Mutinhiri.
She was accused of working too closely with the MDC-T, and castigated for banning party slogans at her meetings – which she had done as a way of preventing division and violence.
Vimbai’s mother will also not be allowed to contest the next parliamentary election on a Zanu PF ticket, according to party sources who attended today’s explosive politburo meeting chaired by party and national president Robert Mugabe.
The dispute reportedly caused a stir among senior party officials, including administrator Didymus Mutasa, who was taken to task by Mugabe over why he allowed the issue to feature on the meeting’s agenda at all.
According to a politburo source quoted by, “Mugabe was furious. He questioned why such a ‘petty issue’ involving a junior member of the party should be brought to his attention. Importantly, however, the president seemed afraid of the potential fallout from the public humiliation of an army general’s wife.
“There were also fears that taking any direct action could lead to more damaging revelations after Mutinhiri alleged that Sekeramayi’s CIO wanted to assassinate her. Those charges are probably true, judging by the history of the party.” .
At NewsTime we suggest that Vimbai should just focus on the money and forget relationships.
If she just happens to grab the $200 000, it could go a long way in solving her mother’s predicament.
Those who know the consequences of a public fallout with Mugabe would never dare continue staying where they are vulnerable to his CIO.
Anyway, 10 people, Vimbai, Wendall, Karen (Nigeria), Vina (Nigeria), Lomwe (Malawi), Luclay (South Africa), Hanni (Ethiopia), Kim (Zambia), Millicent (Kenya), Sharon O (Uganda) still stand a chance to land the two grand prizes of $200 000.

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