After Big Brother encouraged the Housemates to tidy the House up Lomwe and Luclay tackled the garden like true professionals. The two picked up all the litter – which included beer bottles and cigarette butts, while Wendall cleaned the windows. The girls packed up their personal belongings and tidied up the bedrooms, while Sharon O washed the dishes. While Wendall cooked up a storm in the kitchen, Karen quizzed him about his virgin status. Wendall told her it is optional right now for him to have sex and he is waiting for the right girl. Karen the teased him, asking him “Do you pleasure yourself? You look like you do. One of your arms is bigger than the other,” she said, while laughing away.
Hanni, Vina and Sharon O shook and shimmied on the carpet in the lounge and seemed to enjoy the music that was being pumped into the House.

After a tense week that saw the two girls rubbing each other up the wrong way, peace was restored when Vina and Karen decided to take some time out to talk. Karen apologised to Vina for using curse words in front of her and revealed how living in the House had taught her to let things go. “I have learnt in order for people to accept you, you have to accept yourself”, she said. Vina listened intently and indulged Karen.
When Karen encouraged Vina to speak in a normal accent and try to speak pidgin once in a while, Vina did not take offence and told Karen she tries to, but she forgets. The two then spoke of their future plans, with Karen revealing she will not go back to London and will live in Nigeria instead.
The two then made plans to link up and possibly work on projects together.
Daybreak: Punk’d

The gang woke up and conjured up an exciting plan that would help them give their trainer – Goitse – an unforgettable goodbye gift. Vina decided to rock a lime bikini set over her gym gear, while Sharon O wore a body skimming black leotard over bright tights. The Housemates energetically went through their paces and did not give anything away.
As the unsuspecting trainer concentrated on Luclay, Wendall crept up behind him and then threw pie in his face, sending the gang into fits of laughter.
Is this the last prank the gang will be pulling this Season or are we going to see more? Hmmm…Interesting!
Morning prank:
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Feature: Civil War

Vina said she was also offended by Karen calling her a sl*t, but Karen retaliated by saying she feels victimised and judged by Vina because of her background.
In what seemed like civil war, country mates took swipes at each other and made accusations upon counter-accusations about who could be the source of the strained relations between the two.
Among the Housemates that come from the same countries, it has been a rarity to see country mates going out for each other, but it was not the fight verbal confrontation between Vina and Karen.
Lomwe went as far as saving her country mate Felicia when she was put up for possible Eviction; Vimbai did the same for Wendall when he was on the chopping block. Just a week ago, Vina had saved Karen from possible Eviction and replaced her with Vina’s love interest, Lomwe; a gesture Karen welcomed with both hands, but it still did not quell the tension that exist between the two.
Two days ago, Vina was displeased with Karen playing a prank on Housemates and telling the it was her birthday. She vowed to take revenge for Karen’s transgressions.
With two days to go in the Big Brother House, it remains to be seen if Vina and Karen would avoid yet another confrontation.
Dont You Ever Call Me That
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