
Tuesday, 19 February 2013

We Just Love ❤! Read Ferdinand Adimefe’s Beautiful Ode to His Fiancée – “20 Reasons Why I Love Miss Cooper”

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As I walked down the stairs, my eyes caught a glimpse of a beautiful face. Beautiful, despite the dull NYSC khaki. ‘A new corp member posted to serve in my office’, I thought. I was deep in such appreciatory thoughts when suddenly she asked, ‘Excuse me, I was asked to meet Ferdinand. Do you know his office?’
‘Hmm…He is not on seat at the moment, but why don’t you sit and wait, he will be back soon.’ I said and walked briskly, praying to return before she elopes.
Walking back to the office I saw her smiling, ‘So you tell white lies?’
Obviously my colleagues had exposed me. ‘No, I don’t tell white lies, it is usually in different colours. But you know I referred to myself in the third person, so I am technically right’
‘Are you always this crazy?’ she asked
‘More like controversial’. I said and she giggled.
‘My name is Lily!’
Today, Lily is more than the stunning lady who walked up the stairs. Over time, she walked up the stairs straight into my heart. She did not only end up becoming my colleague, but five months ago, I got her engaged (my friend has the details in his blog – HERE). In a few months, we will walk down the aisle.
We have gone through a lot together, yet still standing strong. I once screwed up big time and she gave me a second chance to be a better man. She never quits on me or on us. I am so moved by the depth of her love.I call her Miss Cooper or Missy (a special name with history). There are a million reasons why I love Miss Cooper. I chose to share just 20 reasons. I believe she is 20 amazing women wrapped in one, 20en times a lady. Enjoy as I unravel this her.
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1.She is a model lover
Miss Cooper is one woman that knows how to love her man. She is not only a great friend, but an amazing lover who has loved me every step of the way. More importantly, she lets me love her. She long made a vow to love me inspite of my flaws. I have learnt from her that relationships never work until one person decides to love the other no matter what.
2. She lets me be me
To find someone that will love you-warts and all-is the greatest gift in the world. My faults are many, but she chose to see the best of me. This gives me the courage to stay on the path of change. She is not judgmental, and in Naija, that is rare.
3. She is patient
She gets angry, but never allows things to escalate. She is one lady who is quick to apologize even when she is not wrong.I learnt that the winner is not he who receives the apology, but he who is humble and wise enough to give peace a chance. She is very accepting of my friends and family. I have some difficult folks in my life, but she accepts them because I have accepted them, and loves them through my eyes and the eyes of Christ.
4. She is on my side-but not blindly
She is my biggest critic, albeit my best friend. Loyalty is a religion to her. She is a fan of my many crazy ideas, but yet she calls me out when I have pushed the limits. On certain days, she is like a coach “Go on! You can achieve it, you can do that, you can be great at that and you can be terrific at that.”She stretches my imagination by supporting my goals and dreams with enthusiasm.
5. She complements me in a way that completes me
See, I am a big picture person, she is detailed. That is one of the many ways we complement each other in a way that completes us. If you see an error on this piece that is because she didn’t get to take a look at it.
6. She laughs at my jokes
She laughs at my old jokes as though they were told for the first time. She gets amused when I make funny faces. She is working hard to smoothen my rough edges, but as a Port Harcourt-Warri boy, that is a lifelong journey-we keep uncovering diction issues that need some refining.
7. She will make a fantastic mom
She is never careless with words. I have no doubt that she will make a great mom to our kids. We agreed to have two kids and adopt one.
8. She is a natural
She looks great without make-up. She is comfortable in her own skin. She’s not perfect, but she is perfectly Miss Cooper-and that’s more than enough for me. She has perfection in her feminine allure and that makes her very sexy. We can’t wait. Wish me luck *wink*
9. She is hard working
She is an amazing, brilliant woman with a sharp wit and great sense of humor. She is not afraid to try out new things. She is never afraid to get in and get dirty.
10. She is soulful
From Aretha Franklin, Anita Baker, Nina Simone, Etta James, Jill Scot, Indie Arie, Adele, John Legend, Sade Audu, Michael Buble, Ella Fitzgerlad, Barry White, Diana Ross, Corrine Bailey Rae, Frank Sinatra, Temptations, Nat King Cole, Michael Bolton, Nora Jones to more, she knows the lyrics to lots of old school stuff-and that’s my thing. She is not just musical, she is soulful
11. She is spiritual
She is a big fan of God. She believes in the power of prayer and values intimacy in her relationship with God. Miss Cooper is spiritual, but not religious. Through her, I have come to experience the joy of God’s love.
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12. She is content with the (present) little we have.
13. She knows when I least deserve to be loved, is when I need it the most. I love the way she says “I love you” every time we say ‘Good night’.
14. She makes sure we don’t get cheated on bills.
15. She tolerates my book buying addiction.
16. She is an amazing dancer.
17. She gets mad when she sees injustice.
18. She isn’t afraid to let her emotions show.
19. She insists that I don’t compromise on my values.
20. She is constantly improving herself.

Don’t get it twisted, she is not perfect-yet she is my perfect match. Her imperfections have become woven with mine to form hues on a beautiful canvas. It is these differences that weave into the tapestry called our lives. Even though some of the fabrics may crack and bend at times, they are not at risk of coming apart because they are joined together by the strongest force I know-Our Love. Our love grows every day and I intend to keep this piece close and add to it over the years, as I allow God unravel this beautiful mystery called Miss Cooper and love her the way she deserves to be loved. No doubt, she will always remain my Number One.

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