
Wednesday 13 February 2013

Stars Tweet Reactions to the State of the Union Address

As the nation tuned in to hear President Obama's plans for the country, stars took to Twitter to share their thoughts on Tuesday night's (February 12) "State of the Union" address.
With the Commander-In-Chief covering a wide variety of topics during his annual speech, celebs offered up some serious, but also funny observations on the things that caught their attention.
Check out some of the tweets below:
Jay Leno: "At the #SOTU tonight, when the President walked into the chamber, instead of ‘Hail to the Chief’ they played ‘Hey Big Spender."
Carson Daly: "SOTU now on all local LA channels…..bullsh*t. Thank God for social media. I’m flying blind now on Dorner via traditional media."
Katie Couric: "Watching and still love the ritual of this night!"
Lena Dunham: "So sorry, can’t watch the State Of The Union right now because I am trying to get some old yogurt out of my room."
Alex McCord: "More than a thousand birthdays anniversaries...stolen from us by a bullet from a gun....' Get it done, Mr. President."
Frankie Muniz: "Skipping the State Of the Union cause we all already know the state of the Union. Watching Dance Moms instead!"
Mia Farrow: “I propose -to make high-quality pre-school available to every child in America. YES!!!"
Chris Colfer: "I am so happy those women wiped that lipstick off the President’s cheek! Could you imagine if he had that on during his whole speech?"
Patton Oswalt: "I hope Obama exits this speech riding on a small drone like The Green Goblin."
Adam McKay: "Good for President for hitting climate change hard. In a way it’s the only issue that matters."
Photo Credit: Getty Images

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