
Friday 7 December 2012

Think Big! Hit It Big!

Have you ever taken time to think deeply about the decisions you make, the consequences of your actions, and what it is you desire in life? If not, consider this; you are in control of your life to the degree to which you are able to control how you think. You cannot perpetually think negative thoughts of despair, failure and hopelessness and end up in success.
Your life tends to move in the direction of your most dominant thoughts, therefore you must consciously choose what thoughts you let grow in your mind, so you can have authority as to how your life turns out.
The mind is a vital part of the human being. It is that part of you that is able to conceptualize inspired ideas. With your mind you can take hold of an intangible idea and make it a reality in the world. If you do not learn to take control of your mind and plant useful seed in it, then the abundance of useless thoughts that pervade your world will settle and begin to produce after their kind.
Whatever thoughts dominate your mind will shape the way you perceive situations and alter what you believe. From then on your actions become predictable habits which are resultant of your set way of thinking. These habits then govern the course of your destiny. You will have to make a choice daily, and every moment to choose thoughts that will get you to a successful destination.
If you look through the pages of history, you will find that everyone who made a revolutionary impact in the world chose a thought that challenged the status-quo. They consciously chose to follow after a thought process that transcended the realm of thought of others. It was a thought that transformed the way we use computers. It was a thought that transformed the way we move from house to market, and from country to country. It was a thought that transformed the way we do business through corporations. It was a thought that got Barack Obama into the White House despite all odds against him.
Now think; if a thought was responsible for making a mark in the sands of time, what defining moments are possible for you if you decide to take a hold of your thoughts and actually think for yourself and for your destiny?
Take time out today to imagine what your life can be outside of the current circumstance you are living in. I remember the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11:6. The people had set out against the desire of God to build a tower that will reach heaven, and this is without the modern day construction equipment, but the Lord said, “Behold, they are one people and they have all one language (or mind); and this is only the beginning of what they will do, and now nothing they have imagined (or thought) they can do will be impossible for them.” [I added the words in parenthesis for clarity and illustration].
Develop confidence in yourself and in your ability to reach your goals. Many people who desire a better life, really do not believe they are worthy of it, or they make the mistake of seeking the permission of others to live their dream. How many times do we  think about a business idea, or a meaningful project to provide social justice, or things as simple as a house that we really like, and we automatically discount our ability to attain to the dream. Rather than see ourselves starting the business, contributing to the needs of people, and living in the house, we say something like, “I can’t imagine myself doing _______”, and follow it with an excuse of why we cannot.
I once stood in the observatory deck of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world.  In a 2009 interview, the sheikh of Dubai was asked why he wanted to build something that tall, to which the sheikh responded, “why not?” This was a feat that was once thought to be impossible by architectural and engineering experts. But he thought on a different level than everyone else, and without apology to anyone. It was no surprise to see this quote at the entrance , “there is no impossibility in the leaders’ dictionaries. No matter how big the challenges, strong faith, determination and resolve will overcome them.” Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
Write down what it is you truly desire. The process of writing down your thoughts helps reinforce them. What do you desire in life? In your business? In your career? In your relationship? Be very clear on your goals and your purpose, don’t just write because you think it’s a good idea or because it will impress someone else. Rather, write what is most consistent with your personal beliefs. Writing takes something from the intangible and brings it one step closer to the tangible realm. If these dreams just remain in your imagination, then they will fade away as lofty ideas. Articulate your thoughts, let them be thoughts of victory, success, love, hope, purity, optimism, promotion, abundance, growth and all things good and beautiful.
Give yourself time daily to affirm your dreams, goals and vision. Affirm your goals and desires daily until they begin to drive your behavior and actions. A target that is clearly seen is much easier to hit than one that is vague. The Bible records in Joshua 1 God preparing Joshua to take on the Promised Land saying, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” (1:8). You have to do the same with your goals and dreams. Keeping them before you day and night will ensure that they remain as your most dominant thoughts. This will also keep you motivated, and ready for the burst of inspiration that will take you from where you are to where you need to be in life. Also remember, out of sight is out of mind.
Identify and remove obstacles. Every journey has obstacles along the way. As you embark on yours, you will face challenges, but if you are able to anticipate some of the challenges you may be faced with, with adequate preparation you can deal with them. As an example, if your desire is to start a business, identify what your business will be doing, what your market is, what human resources you will need (intellectual, relationships, laborers etc), and how much money you need to raise. The next thing is to ask yourself what hindrances there are to getting all of the things you have identified. What steps can you take to overcome the challenges? Do you need to get more education? Do you need to build more networks? In what little ways can you raise money? While you may not be able to identify all, but you run a lower risk of discouragement and letting negative thinking set in if you are prepared. It’s also important to note that the exercise is not for you to identify and dwell on the obstacles, but you’re brainstorming for solutions.
Diligently pursue. Every thought must be followed by a diligent pursuit. You must persistently apply yourself; time and resources to investigating, researching, gaining additional knowledge and cultivating the idea inspired within you to a reality. Diligence is the basic law of success and achievement. Whatever you invest yourself into will in return give back to you in multiple measures. The exercise is not just to think differently, but also to take charge of your life. Don’t procrastinate. Start immediately. Remember always that tomorrow is the only day in the year that appeals to a lazy man.
Be enthusiastic. Let your thoughts about your new life excite you so much that you act as though it were already. When asked about it, don’t be negative, don’t speak against what you want, but speak with confidence and enthusiasm. Let your excitement and earnest expectation be heard in your words and seen in your action. Charles F. Kettering said, “High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation.”
Friend, think big! Always remember that the quality of  the life that you have is the quality of the mind you carry. You attract the material equivalent of your most dominant thoughts. Therefore, never let your circumstances determine how you think, because whatever thoughts become dominant in your mind will eventually recreate itself in your reality. Rather take charge of your thoughts and watch your life change.
I’ll like to hear from you, what changes are you making? In what ways do you choose to think differently about your life, relationships, career etc? Drop a comment!

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