
Tuesday 4 September 2012

Support Kristen Stewart During Her Parents’ Divorce "Robert Pattinson"

Rob: Put your pride aside and be there for Kristen during this difficult time — her parents are getting divorced and she needs your support!


Kristen Stewart's mother Jules Stewart filed for divorce from her husband of 27 years, John Stewart, on August 17. Even though Kristen broke Robert Pattinson's heart by cheating, he needs to be there for her in this trying time.

Rob — I know you're heartbroken, upset, frustrated, angry and probably feeling a whole other range of emotions after Kristen was caught cheating on you with her married SWATH director Rupert Sanders.

But as a child of divorce, I can identify with Kristen, and she needs you to be there for her.

Her mom and dad have been separated since June 15, 2010, meaning that Kristen has been dealing with this strain privately for quite some time. Rob is probably the person she told her secrets to — what she was thinking and feeling about her parent's relationship. Even if Robert doesn't want to talk to her because of what she did to hurt him, he needs to come to her side as a friend.

Although Kristen's parent's problems may have been a factor in why she cheated on Rob, it's not an excuse. Either way, an official legal filing for divorce is a difficult thing to grasp — and now more than ever, Kristen needs people surrounding her who love her.

When we asked you if you think Rob will comfort Kristen after the divorce news broke, 72 percent of you think he will. I agree — and I think he should. It's the right thing to do.

Divorce is traumatic, especially for Kristen, who is such a private person. She needs someone she can trust to confide in and talk to about her life.

Rob doesn't need to be a boyfriend for Kristen right now, he just needs to be a friend. Who knows where their relationship is headed, but right now, all Kristen needs is a shoulder to cry on, and I think Rob should be the support Kristen probably so desperately needs
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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