
Monday 13 August 2012

Robert Pattinson: You’re Courageous To Do All ‘Cosmopolis’ Interviews

 Rob — it’s so impressive that you are forging ahead despite Kristen Stewart’s cheating, and doing all you can to promote your film, despite your heartbreak.

Robert Pattinson — you are a pro and you are brave. You aren’t allowing your broken heart to hold you back from what you need to do for your film and your career.

I’m sure you are dreading facing Jon Stewart and The Daily Show cameras later today, Aug. 13, but you have refused to cancel your commitment. You know that Jon Stewart is not the kind of interviewer who treads lightly. I doubt that he will avoid the subject of your personal life entirely.
Then there’s the 30-minute interview you are now scheduled to do on Thursday, Aug. 16 with Josh Horowitz. Josh last interviewed you at Comic-Con when you sat next to Kristen and Taylor Lautner. He knows Kristen as well as he knows you, so I’m sure you’re wondering if he might ask you about her.
Then there’s the Cosmopolis red carpet tonight, Aug. 13. What a gauntlet of cameras and reporters you’ll face. Plus, fans are already lining up to see you. You’ve always been so friendly to your fans, it seems unlikely that you won’t take photos, sign autographs or shake hands.
Finally, you’ll be sitting down with Good Morning America on Wednesday, Aug. 15 and a source close to the show’s production has told that no subject is off the table…
Rob — you’re a strong man. It’s not often that someone in your situation — a rare and super-tough situation already — has had to proceed to publicly support a major project.
But you are demonstrating what metal you are made of to the entire movie industry as well as to all your fans. We bet your Cosmopolis director David Cronenberg is so appreciative and impressed by your deep commitment to your work and his.
Rob — you’re a terrific role model to everyone who’s love life has taken an unexpected turn for the worse. You can’t allow it to derail your entire career and life.
When the going gets tough — Rob is showing that he can get tougher! Good for you Rob! What do you think Hollywoodlifers? Are you impressed by Rob?

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