
Tuesday 10 April 2012

Prince Tonye Princewill Responds To Allegations He Influenced The Emergence Of Sylvia Nduka As MBGN 2011

That businessman and former gubernatorial candidate in Rivers State,
Prince Tonye Princewill influenced the emergence of Sylvia Nduka as
the 2011 Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria. The report also claimed that
the two are dating and he supposedly bought her a house in Garki Abuja
and a BMW X6.

Prince Tonye Princewill's camp say none of this is true. That it's
just a smear campaign to dent his image. The press statement from his
media chief below...
The defamatory and futile attempt to disparage the good image of
Prince Tonye Princewill by some faceless junkyard dogs through their
paymasters because of the Rivers State 2015 general election has been
brought to our attention and we wish to clarify the falsehood
contained in the report alleging that the Prince influenced the
emergence of Miss Sylvia Nduka as the 2011 Most Beautiful Girl in
Nigeria because of his relationship with her and in the process gave
her expensive gifts including a duplex in Garki and a BMW X6. We wish
to let the entire world know that there is no element of truth in the
report as it was cooked up by mischievous and deluded minds aimed at
destabilising the family of the Prince and maybe scuttle his yet to be
unravelled political agenda for the people of Nigeria.
Continue reading...

The fact remains that though Prince Tonye Princewill was one of the
Judges that decided on the emergence of the 2011 Most Beautiful Girl
in Nigeria, it was a common knowledge among family and friends and
those on Face Book that Prince Tonye Princewill was totally against
her emergence knowing very well that she was not the most beautiful
girl in that competition. Immediately after the competition he posted
and expressed his reservation about her emergence in his Face book

He said and I quote, "I was a judge at the recently concluded MBGN
competition but before you crucify me or praise me on the result, just
know that I was just as surprised that Taraba won!". The Prince went
further to state while answering comments from friends that made their
opinions known on that very day after the MGBN event and listen to
him, "Prince TonyePrincewill, Thank you for your comments. Beauty they
say is in the eye of the beholder. To be fair to Silverbird, the
process of selecting a queen is more than meets the eye. People (me
included) think that judges are the deciders. Think again. Rightly...
or wrongly, the attitude in camp, the inner beauty and their natural
look have a lot to do with it. Just wish someone had told me that
before now.

If Taraba wins Miss World, all of us will shut up and Kingsley and my
media chief will be proven right. I want to think Silverbird know what
they are doing. I like the brothers too much to believe they will
choose someone who can't win. For the record Agbai, Lagos was my
choice. Kogi grew on me. Ondo was amazing but in the end what does my
opinion have to do with anything? I was only a judge. Lol" Find
attached the link so you can read it for yourselves: 27, 2011 at

So from where did these shameless idiots got their findings that
Prince Tonye Princewill established a relationship with a lady he
doesn't know and thereafter bought a house and a BMW car while Tonye
himself does not even have a block in any part of Nigeria talk less of
owning a house while using the little that God gave him to offer
scholarships to our indigent students and to empower our women to be
better mothers at their various homes whilst providing succour to
orphans and creating a great future for our youths through training
and empowerment. Must politics be played in this form to run down a
bright future of our country just because of most of his likely
opponents' lack ideas and vision on how our country can be governed?
Who is afraid of Prince Tonye Princewill? Time will tell as the
culprits behind this dastard, sad and unfortunate fairy tales will
soon be exposed!

We are hereby issuing a 48 hour notice to all the blogs and websites
that published this trash without cross checking with us to remove
such a blatant falsehood from their sites to avoid a court case
against them while we have asked our Legal Team who have identified
the culprit to institute a legal case against the deluded mind that
allowed himself to be used for such a futile exercise. Their duty is
to ensure that he will live to regret the blood money given to him for
character assassination. Assassins of character using the pen are just
as wicked and cold as their common criminal assassin counterparts who
use the gun.

We now have it on good authority that this was just the first step by
this misguided group to attempt to embarrass the Prince. They have
also planned to follow up this with other malicious reports linking
the Prince with some of the failed Private Public Partnership (PPP)
Initiatives in Rivers State and a host of other events that have
nothing to do with him. They cannot stand the love he attracts from
young and old people. We are watching these idle minds and will tackle
them as they unfold their wicked plots against a man of vision whose
future success is directly linked with ours as a country. If they did
their homework they would know that this is an exercise in futility.
Going by this recent attempt though, we expect them not to.

This attempt is called yellow journalism only practiced by idle minds.
His report runs contrary to the ethics of the journalism profession as
he failed woefully to the name the alleged victim, the police station
where he is been held, and other loopholes begging for answers. Sadly
for him and his paymasters Prince Tonye Princewill is currently on
holidays with his beloved and beautiful wife and his wonderful three
kids. The writer should get a real job and forget this blackmailer's
hatchet job given to him by his pay masters and haters of the prince.
Let me end with a quote from Gandhi;" First they ignore you (Prince),
and then they ridicule you, then they fight you and then he (the
Prince) shall win.

Chief Eze Chukwuemeka Eze
Media Chief to Prince Tonye Princewill

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