
Monday 9 April 2012

Nigerian Student Escapes After Four Days In Native Ritual Killers’ Den

Adeleye on hospital bed
A student of Business Administration, Kwara State University, Malete,
Mr. Rilwan Adeleye, escaped death by a whisker after four days in
suspected ritual killers'captivity. Narrating his miraculous escape to
our correspondent in Ilorin, Adeleye said on March 29, he boarded a
taxi cab at Challenge Junction, Ilorin, Kwara State, en route to Taiwo
Road, Ilorin.

He said:
I wanted to go and withdraw some money my father had sent to me. I
stopped a taxi cab, which had two other passengers, and told the
driver that I wanted to go to somewhere around Taiwo. On our way, the
driver took a wrong route. So, I challenged the man and asked him why
he wanted to pass through that way. The man said he wanted to avoid
the traffic hold-up. That was all I could remember.

Adeleye said he later became unconscious, only to find himself in an
uncompleted building.
He added that his captors took him to a room in the building and drew
his blood with a syringe.
He said, "Later, when I started recovering, I could faintly remember
that they took me to an uncompleted building. Then I found myself in a
room. I was the only person inside.

"I noticed that someone came in and drew blood from my body with a syringe."
According to him, some of his captors came later and beat him
mercilessly to the extent that he sustained a fracture in his arm.

21-year-old Adeleye said it was apparent by the anger of the ritual
killers that his blood was not accepted for ritual purpose.

After much beating, he said his captors took him to a roadside and
dumped him there but his friends saw him and took him home.

He stated that the whole incident lasted for four days; from March 29
to April 1.
He advised people to avoid "get rich quick" mentality and stop killing
and maiming innocent people for rituals.
Adeleye's uncle, Mr. Aranse Oluwa, corroborated the survivor's narration.
He stated that the family members were rattled when they did not see
Adeleye, who had told them he was going to withdraw some money from

Oluwa said it was a relief to the family when Adeleye spoke with a
family member on the phone after his release.

He said they had been frantically searching for him when he did not
get back home on time.
 Oluwa said, "He told us three people abducted him; two in front seat
of the taxi and one other person, who sat with the victim at the back

"His friends saw him along the road unconscious. They had to buy cold
water and poured it on him to revive him before they later took him to
a hospital."

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