
Saturday, 3 December 2011

Dear Pen Point Review readers: My 'Boyfriend' is married With kids and I never knew

A letter from a PPR reader.
Dear PPR readers, I have been duped by a man I loved. Please, I want to share my story so that every woman will know and learn.
Its 3am and I can barely sleep. My honour has been tampered with. But I know I am going to pull through this pain but I pray I would not fall into the same mistake again.
How can a man deny his kids that he sired from his own loins? Do such men exist? Yes they do. And I met one of such.
Sometime in May 2010, I met a man at the bank and he offered to give me a ride home. He 'bragged' being a doctor, a consultant, which I found questionable because he didn't look like a doctor.

Fast forward some months later, we started dating. He was indeed a "spine surgeon", and he told me vehemently that he had no kids nor a wife.

After knowing him for a year, I wanted to get serious with him, but it seemed he was just interested in his practice and research work.

One time, I hacked into his facebook and I found out he was married. I confronted him and he claimed he had married before but divorced the woman as soon as she lost the pregnancy. Stupid me, I believed!

Thereafter, I started a fact finding mission. (This is a man that will be in the office from 7am and would not leave till 11pm and he claimed he had a sister who lives around but he's not so close to her)
I asked him if he was married with kids. He denied it and cursed that he die on the road (he was travelling) if he had kids.
I asked his cousin and she claimed he was married with kids. I confronted him again and he denied it.

I remembered on one occasion, I had followed him to drop his "sister's daughter" at home. I retraced my way to that house and found his car parked there. (He has another home some 65km from the hospital where I do go and see him).

In shock, I went home but I went back to the house an hour later and I saw him pulling out of the house. He was shocked, he said he came to pick up his ipad from his sister.

I was mad! I held him and told him to tell me the truth. He claimed that he has one kid from his 'sister' and that the other kid is not his. He also said his kid is a sickler and has leukaemia and she has barely 2 years to live. (True, because he took me to the girl's school and she looked sickly).

He called all his brothers and I asked them if he was married, just only one of them told me the fact. (He was married with two kids)
I was bitter (part of me refused to believe it). I insisted I see his wife or I speak to her. He cunningly refused.
I pretended that I wasn't mad with him that I was cool with everything that happened. ( I had my plans)

At 7pm, I went to his "sister's house". The security guard refused me entry but I gave him some change and entered. Lo and behold, I meet my 'boyfriend' and his 'sister'. I tell the 'sister' that's it her I wished to see. My boyfriend tells me not to come in. I reply that I'm in a good mood and he should not get me mad. His 'sister' invites me in and I introduce myself.

At this point, my 'boyfriend' orders his wife into the room and he goes in with her. After some ten minutes, he storms out and tells me that I should be happy, I finally get what I need. That I should wait, his wife would come out.

The wife comes out and we talk at length. I find out the two kids are his. None has leukaemia. They have been married for six years.

After leaving his wife, I felt lighter. I had clarity. I was not happy but I had clarity.
*The End*

I know what y'all are thinking " what should we do about it?, wetin concern us?" lol. My exact sentiments but she insisted I share this story so other women can learn. Did you learn anything? :-

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