
Friday 28 October 2011

How do you know whether a girl likes you? In: Dating, relationship

Normally when you think a girl likes you ,you have a good guess but the major ways are if they try to get close to you or come more of a friend to get closer to you ther is also the way they may be acting mean towards you because they don't want you to know they like you  

General Tips
1. She calls you by a nickname and or says your name really loud and obnoxiously Don't Worry if she doesn't though, she may quiet and shy
2. She always wants to sit or stand near you . If you're just standing there then suddenly you turn and see her there. The first time, it may be a coincidence, same with the second time. But if this continues to happen... its a major sign shes interested.
3. She likes to hug and touch you . Most girls love to hug. If she wants to hug you all the time. She's interested. OR... if she touches your arm. If girls push you and pull you places, its just a sign of flirting.
4. She laughs a lot around you . Girls LOVE funny guys. If you make her laugh... and laugh hard. Shes gonna fall for you hard!! (Although, keep in mind: When a girl laughs it may just be a sign of friendship, too) Unless, its like a really flirty laugh... or she even laughs at the lame things.
5. Her and her friends giggle when looking at you
100% she likes you.  

well it really depends on the girl. but there are some obvious ways to tell. but realize this might not be true for everybody.
For example if she.....
acts nervous around you
doesn't talk to you until you talk to her (she is scared that she might say something obviously wrong and you would resent her for it)
if she acts like your not that important (but you are actually the most important person)
if she laughs/giggles when you make a joke (be careful she might just think you are funny)
you might not know it but she is actually looking at you from the corner of her eyes or she looks at you directly
if she gets shy when you come close to the side of the room that she is on
when she is talking to a group and you come in and she walks away (its not that shes not interested she is just nervous that she will act wierd)
when you look her straight in the eye and she looks back
when she is talking to you and her friends are watching (this means that she is definitly interested and her friends want to know wat you two are saying)
if she acts annoyed when you two get put next to each other or in the same group (unless she actually hates you)

There are so many more but i don't have the time to list all of them. Remember a girl doesn't like to make the first move. And most girls wont ask a boy out. and normally if a guy asks out a girl even if she doesn't like him she is still nice about it. and guys please don't ask one of your friends to ask her out for you.... Girls hate it and normally will say no even if they like you. because they feel like you don't like them enough to ask her out yourself. And remember even if you get rejected 9 out of 10 times their is always going to be that one. and instead of living life alone instead of with the one you love. YOU WILL TAKE MY ADVICE. Goodluck oh and boys please if you like a girl just tell her she will probably feels the same way!!!!!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone provided by Airtel Nigeria.

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