
Wednesday 26 October 2011


The only difference between being responsible and being irresponsible gets down to two things: accountability and adaptability.

A responsible person owns up to his role in any situation, and learns from his mistakes. An irresponsible person shifts the blame to someone or something else, and makes the same mistakes over and over again.

Here are some steps you can take to become a more responsible person.

1. Understand that responsibility is earned. It is not something you are entitled to. If someone is hesitant to give you additional responsibility, it is probably because you have been nonchalant with the responsibilities you already have. And you might think "But the responsibilities I have now are so petty/boring/etc., and if I am given more of a challenge, I will take it more seriously." But that is a classic characteristic of irresponsible people. They do things as long as they are challenging, fun, and new, and when that fades, they lose interest. A responsible person does what he said he would do. So if you want to be seen as more responsible, think about the responsibilities you already have, and take them seriously.

2. Stop making excuses. In any situation, there are always some factors we cannot control. Irresponsible people tend to shift the blame onto those factors, and make them as excuses. Anytime you make an excuse, it is like saying "I am not responsible for this because…" and what you are really saying is "I am not responsible." Pay attention to how you think and talk.

3. View yourself as a creator, not a victim, of circumstance. No one has complete control over how things turn out, but unless you are being forced to do something against your will, you still have a chance to influence the outcome. People who do not take responsibility for their lives see themselves as helpless, and their own efforts as futile.

4. Overcome your fear of failure. When you take responsibility for something, it essentially means that you will take the blame if it does not work out. Therefore, it is easy to fall back on the idea that if you don't take responsibility, you will never fail. But the only way you can succeed is if you allow yourself to make mistakes that you can learn from. In other words, it is not the end of the world if you make a mistake. And if there is someone in your life who is making it seem that way, he is probably assigning you too much responsibility.

5. Acknowledge your role. Whether something goes right or wrong, make it a point to announce your role in the situation to the people involved. Admit your mistakes when you make them and take credit for your efforts. Not only will it reinforce your own sense of responsibility, but you will also gain respect from anyone whose respect is worth getting.

6. Do not bite off more than you can chew. It is not responsible to make commitments that you probably cannot keep, even if you really want to keep them. Sometimes saying "no" is the most responsible thing to do. If you have too much on your hand, learn how to say "no" and how to delegate. Assign jobs to your subordinates so that you can have time to concentrate on far more important jobs.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone provided by Airtel Nigeria.

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